Thursday, September 18, 2014

Your Symbol of Freedom

Close your eyes and ask yourself 
what your symbol of freedom is. 
Explore the image you get- 
understand it. You can use this 
image, and the energy it represents, 
when you are feeling stuck or trapped. 
If you are having trouble speaking or 
confronting someone, you can put that 
symbol and energy in your Throat 
Chakra. If you are having trouble with 
confused thoughts or memory issues, 
you can put it in your Brow Chakra. 
And if you are feeling trapped, helpless 
and overwhelmed, you can put it in your 
Solar Plexus.

This wont solve your issues, you need 
an actual chakra clearing for that, but it 
can help you a bit and make the going 
easier! ~Erin Heaven

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