Monday, September 22, 2014

Religion or Spirituality?

When religion gives way to spirituality, 
an open-mindedness often ensues. 
You never hear about wars started 
because of a person's personal 
spiritual beliefs, but the majority of 
wars seem to have a religious 
component. Religious viewpoints 
often require you to hold dogmatic 
beliefs that automatically deny 
anything in opposition to them, 
while spiritual beliefs can be 
questioned and changed at will. 
Religious people are secure in 
their beliefs while spiritual people 
may some times flounder and feel 
unsure of how to proceed.

So, Debate of the Day: would humanity 
benefit more from a stricter, more 
dogmatic approach to life and beliefs, 
or is it time for a more relaxed and 
personal spiritual experience? 
You decide! ~Erin Heaven

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