Thursday, April 10, 2014

Why You Can't Clear Your Chakras

People who have researched energetic healing and understand how powerful and important the chakras are usually look for ways to begin clearing them. Unfortunately, many people are misled into believing that they can clear their own chakras with meditation, crystals, colors, reiki, or other self-help methods. Unfortunately this never works. It is impossible to clear any energy without being aware of what it is first and having some way of having it taken out of you by someone else. You need to work with a clairvoyant energetic healer who can see what emotions, memories, false beliefs, and old traumas you have stored in your chakras and energy field. Once you are informed of the exact events or emotions that are blocking you, and can confirm the truth of it, you can be empowered to release it to a healer who can take it out of your field and then fill you back up with high-vibrating, pure energy. Working with a true clairvoyant will not only allow you to confirm exactly what is in your chakras and then release it, but it will allow you to have low-vibration or ‘negative’ entities removed from your chakras that no other modality can address. Much of a person’s distress and unhappiness comes from the influence of these malicious parasitical beings. When they are removed, the difference is obvious and astonishing and even non-believers and skeptics go away convinced!
Other methods like meditation don’t work to clear your chakras or remove entities. In fact they can be dangerous if you have been inaccurately guided to open your chakras, or are suffering under entity influence, as this opens your mind up to it even more. Your chakras are like a water faucet. When you force your chakras open, it’s like turning on the hot water tap all the way. In a few minutes, you have drained all the hot water from the tank and it wont be able to replenish itself so the water runs cold. And worse, having a chakra forced open will unbalance it. Many cases of anxiety are found when a chakra is too open. Co-dependent behavior can be seen when the Heart Chakra is too open. Your chakras, like your pupils, react to situations and know exactly how open they should be given the circumstance. Anyone that tells you to force your chakras open as far as they will go is completely uninformed and cannot ‘See’ how that advice is affecting your energetic being the way a true clairvoyant can.
Working with someone who ‘heals’ the chakras with crystals can be equally dangerous. Most people who work with crystals don’t have an understanding of how healing works. They think that the stones will produce magical results. They don’t need to have any clairvoyant ability to do this, and often have no idea what they are doing. They don’t know if the crystals they are using are having a positive affect. They don’t know where they should be placed, and they can’t see how jumbling different stones with different energies together affects your energy field. They also can’t see how harmful it is to place crystals on the chakras! I’ve actually had clients come to me with ‘burns’ on their chakras from ill-informed ‘healers’ who have used a crystal laser wand directly on the chakra! This creates an energetic film, much like a scar that has to be cleared away several times before the chakra is able to function adequately again. Many of my clients have told me that after having experiences with crystal ‘healers’ they encountered severe issues in their bodies and in their lives.
Reiki and other types of energy work, where people attempt to clear your chakras or force energy into you, don’t work at all, even if they call themselves a ‘Master’. You are the creator of the energy blocking your chakras and your life. No one can go in and clear something another person has created. You are the only one who can do this for yourself. That is because we exist on a plane of Free Will where our own choices determine our experiences. It’s a world of karma and we are responsible for what we create. Therefore we all must be the ones to choose to release our own energy. When someone uses reiki and just pushes energy into someone, all they are doing is ‘dislodging’ the congestion and blocks. It may seem to temporarily make a difference, but it usually wears off fast and can cause further problems as the energy manifests in new ways. This often means that people who get drawn into going to a reiki practitioner have to keep going back on a regular basis to keep seeing results. This makes you cash flow for the practitioner, but does very little good for you. Reiki can’t clear your energy, and it can’t heal your chakras. The only time reiki can be used effectively is after your energy has been released (by you) to fill up what has been cleared.
A lot of people are very impressed with tonal healing- a practice that involves sound frequency such as singing bowls or CDs. They tell me they can feel something happening in their chakras and believe that it’s working. Unfortunately, what they do not know is that what they are feeling is only the energetic resonance of the chakra with the tone, which allows the chakra to vibrate in reaction to the tone it resonates with. This can be felt physically, but it does not mean that energy is being cleared or the chakra is being healed or altered. These clients go away impressed with the ‘healing’ they’ve received because they could feel something happening, and then are shocked when we clear 90 minutes worth of old events, traumas, emotions, and negative entities in their chakras afterward.
After having a clearing with a clairvoyant energetic chakra healer that works with Free Will, most people cannot believe how great they feel and how obvious a difference their results were from other methods. They go away feeling quite light, refreshed, happy, and relieved, and some even feel young again! They begin to see shifts in their thinking and emotions, and even the way people respond to them. Some times they are able to see issues in their life improve as they are able to manifest better. You can find a genuine clairvoyant energetic chakra healer and experience the difference a true clearing can make. You will be surprised at how different you feel even after years of reiki, meditation, color and crystal healing, and various other techniques. You will also be shocked at the amount of stuff a clairvoyant will still find in your chakras that you can confirm and know to be there! Experience the difference yourself and see what a difference a complete healing system can make in your life today!
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Why Reiki Doesn't Work

Reiki is a misguided fad in the realm of healing that is not yet a complete healing system. Nor does it have any real understanding of how the energy system works. It is a form of generic healing that believes that by pushing energy into someone, it’s going to magically heal them of their issues. Unfortunately it doesn’t address particular issues by using clairvoyant ability, to see what people are really holding in their energy field that is creating their problems. This means that they wont be empowered to release these particular issues and choose to step into higher energy. Reiki just attempts to push energy into people, in the hopes that this will somehow magically ‘displace’ or ‘remove’ their illness. It simply can’t help people let go of the emotion and energy that is behind their physical issues. By not working under the Law of Free Will, connecting people to what they are carrying or creating, so that they can choose to release it themselves, the person isn’t going to be truly freed of their issue. Like a band-aid, generic healing just covers up the lessons they need to learn and prevents them from moving past them. Generic healing isn’t effective because the person will keep doing, feeling, and holding onto the same stuff that is causing the problem, oblivious this fact. It is something like prescribing drugs to cover a symptom that is caused by the person’s bad eating habits. If you tell them what to stop eating, they are empowered to make the changes that will allow them to heal. However, if you cover up the symptom so they don’t have to be aware of it, they will keep right on doing something that could lead to potential health problems down the line. What’s more, it is impossible to fill a person up with energy unless space has already been made by clearing their energetic blocks. You can understand the human energy field like a glass filled with water. If you don’t clear the ‘murky’ water out of the glass before trying to put clear water in, you are just going to be pouring water into an already full glass. Where can that water go? Where is reiki energy supposed to go when there is no space made in the energy field to receive it?
That is why in a complete healing system, a clairvoyant will assist the client in identifying, and releasing the personal issues they are holding first, so that there is space to receive high-vibrating, healing energy.Illness is manifested as a result of energy we are carrying around in our chakras and energy field. This can be the long-held belief that no one will ever love them, that they are ugly, the focus they maintain on their illnesses and flaws, or even an old hurt that was never forgiven and released. When people block the flow of energy in their chakras, they manifest illness. Much as stagnant water in a blocked pond grows scum, chakras need to remain clear; and energy flowing, in order for people to maintain optimum health. Once their chakras become blocked, so too does their energy. When energetic stagnation is present long enough, illness is created. Therefore it’s important to connect people to their blocks so they can choose to release them consciously, then assist them in clearing their blocks, so they can receive healing energy.
If you are a healer that has already gotten started with reiki, don’t despair. Reiki is a valuable tool when combined with a clairvoyant approach to healing. You can learn all the tools you need to develop and connect to your natural psychic abilities, and use them to help people heal. It’s so much easier than you might think! Please take a look at my Online Distance Learning classes and see if you feel guided to develop your healing abilities further. In a very short time you can be truly helping people to heal in a way you’ve never experienced before. You will see a remarkable difference when you embrace a more complete approach to healing!
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Why Reiki Isn't Healing Your Life

As a practitioner of a complete healing system, it saddens me to see so many people who have nearly given up on energetic healing, because their only experience has been reiki, and it hasn’t worked for them. Even though they’ve been very dedicated and received pricey sessions on a weekly basis, (some of them for years!), they have not seen any real change in their lives. For many of my clients, they interpret this failure as some fault of their own. They were told that they weren’t doing enough, or didn’t believe in it enough. Some even think they are cursed and nothing will be able to help them! Nothing could be further from the truth! Reiki, and other generic forms of healing, while valuable tools when used correctly, are not complete healing systems by themselves, and can’t free you of the cause of your issues, which is all the emotions, harmful beliefs, traumas, and other congested energy blocking the healthy flow of energy, and manifesting illness in your life.
To understand this you have to understand how the human energy system works. The aura surrounds our energy system and acts like a container, or shield. The chakras generate the aura, and the energy field. This is a sealed and complete unit, much like a full glass of water. Reiki, and other generic healing, tries to force energy into a person, rather like pouring more water into an already full glass. How can that possibly benefit anyone? It might feel warm, like adding hot water to a cooling bath, but it’s not going to affect a real change in the energy system. In order for a person to be able to receive healing energy, they must first release the blocked, congested, unhealthy energy; making space to receive healing energy.
This is the primary essential step in healing that generic healing practices, like reiki, omit. When your focus is to simply cover up someone’s symptoms by overfilling the person with unnecessary energy, they are not going to be empowered to change what they are doing and be freed from their issues. They are going to keep blindly creating their issues, without ever understanding the cause! Pushing energy into a person, without first releasing the energetic blocks, is like prescribing a drug to cover a symptom that is caused by something a patient is eating. Instead of informing the patient of the problem food, so they can eliminate it from their life, generic healing just covers the noticeable signs of the problem, often resulting in further problems down the line. Reiki may temporarily ‘displace’ the energy that was troubling you, but it will manifest in other ways. It is still in your energy field.
In a complete healing system, a clairvoyant practitioner first scans the chakras and tells the client what they are holding that is blocking them, so that the client can choose to be done with it. Then the healer assists them in releasing the energy and takes it out of their energy field.
Once the client has these emotions, traumas, and beliefs cleared they will feel lighter, happier, more relieved, and more ‘positive’. Other people often notice the difference in them right away. It feels like being a younger, lighter, happier you. The difference from just having energy pushed into you is noticeable and extreme for many. Once space is created, it can then be filled with high-vibrating, healing energy, and that is where reiki belongs in a true healing system.
When you work with a gifted clairvoyant healer who can help you clear the energy causing you problems, you will be able to make better choices that will help you manifest good things, instead of illness. This puts you in control of your own life and makes you responsible for what you’ve created. There is no magic pill, healing, or wand-waving magic spell that is going to heal you and allow you to keep doing what you have been doing. Only you can heal you, and with the guidance of a clairvoyant healer who gives you the responsibility of healing these issues, it can happen fast! My clients are often shocked at how many blocks, traumas, and other energy I am able to identify in their chakras after years of generic healing. They are amazed at the relief and lightness they feel after only one session of removing this blocked and congested energy. They are even more amazed that I only recommend about 3 sessions, unlike the several dozen that many have been advised to get with generic healing methods.
If you have been disappointed by your results from reiki, find a clairvoyant practitioner who employs a complete healing system to work with. Find someone with a money back guarantee to make sure they are genuinely gifted clairvoyants, and look for someone with many testimonials about the amazing changes people have experienced with their sessions.
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The Psychic Addiction

Something that most concerns me in my practice as a Clairvoyant Energetic Chakra Healer, are the people that inform me that they have been to many other healers and psychics, often working with several at once. They often tell me that they have spent thousands of dollars going to these people and don’t feel that they have benefited from it. I will even hear outrageous stories about the ethics of some of these so-called ‘healers’, such as being told they needed to have a chakra cleared or else never have love in their life and then charging $3600 to clear a single chakra, or sending a swami in India $875 a month to take his classes and have him clear their karma for them. Some people actually become addicted to going to psychics to be told their future or be given a ‘reading’ about their lives. They become so co-dependent with psychics that they can hardly make their own decisions without having to have them approved of by a ‘gifted’ person. Unfortunately, many psychics are only in it for the money, and think nothing of the ethics involved in stringing along a person greatly lacking in self-confidence and discernment. Also to be considered are fraudulent people who claim to be psychic but instead are gifted at preying on people’s gullibility and telling them what they want to hear. As a genuine clairvoyant energetic chakra healer, I hear these stories all too frequently. It is my goal to inform people and give them the information necessary for them to make the best possible decisions about whom to work with.

So how do you know if you might be addicted to going to psychics or healers? The first thing that should be considered before engaging the services of a psychic or healer is whether there is a psychological need or dependence for this service. If you feel that you can’t live your own life, or make your own decisions, without checking everything with a psychic first, you will be better served by going to a mental health expert. You might not be in the right space and are a likely candidate for frauds to target. Healing and psychic work should only be engaged by people ready to make their own decisions and take responsibility in their lives. If you are not ready to change things, you are not going to see benefits with psychics or healers.

Another important aspect to determine is whether you can afford these services. Some healers or psychics charge outrageous prices for their services. They are designed to frighten gullible people into thinking they need to have these services at outrageous prices. Even people who charge a reasonable fee for real work can be outside the price range of some addicts- but this doesn’t stop them. Some people will go into debt looking for someone who claims to be psychic and will tell them exactly what they want to hear. They get addicted to hearing about their ‘future’ and the amazing “soul mate” and “twin flame” they are going to find. They will keep hopping from psychic to psychic until they find someone that flatters their egos or hopes and dreams sufficiently. This is unfortunate because genuine healers and psychics will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear, and sometimes the truth isn’t pleasant. The fakes are the most likely to fill your head full of fantasies.

If you are an addict you might not be content to see one healer or psychic at a time. People who are addicted almost always have several sessions with several different people, often at once. They aren’t content to find one person to work with, and stay committed. They might attend more than one healing session in a day, never being able to ascertain what modality is making the difference in their life. This means that in order to maintain results, they have to keep doing everything. You can find people going to the chiropractor and acupuncturist, along with doing massage, reiki, energy tapping, and other types of healing- all at once. Not only is this extremely costly, but there is no way to determine what is really making the difference. Most people receiving benefits are fearful of discontinuing anything for fear of losing their results! (This is why it’s a good idea to work with only one practitioner at a time!)

If you feel you might be addicted to psychics and healing services, and you insist on continuing with these services, there are a few common sense things you can do to help your situation. First, set a budget for yourself that is well within your cost of living. Don’t go past that budget! Don’t buy into the hype some people purport about their amazing services. DO RESEARCH! Look for testimonials and reviews on these people. Don’t just rely on posted excerpts from emails they’ve received from clients. Make sure they are genuine reviews from an outside source like Google Reviews or Merchant Circle. Make sure they have some type of Money Back Guarantee so you can be reasonably assured you are dealing with a genuinely gifted individual. Make certain that their fees are reasonable for what they do. And don’t pay by the minute. That is a gimmick that many frauds employ who are gifted at getting you to talk. Find someone who offers timed sessions at reasonable prices so you have a good idea of how long your time will be and what you can expect in a session. Stay away from psychics who only do past life readings, soul readings, future readings, or other things you can never verify. These are frauds that are gifted at telling you what you want to hear and you will be throwing your money away. Make sure your clairvoyant can tell you detailed information about your life, without offering any information of your own, and you will have a better experience. Avoid healers that do things like reiki or other types of ‘clearing’ that don’t involve you and make you responsible to choose to release the energy you created. That type of healing doesn’t work. Free Will healing involves you directly and a clairvoyant will tell you what you need to release, but make you responsible to release it to them. This will often produce profound results, unlike healing where the practitioner claims to be doing it all for you. And only work with one healer/psychic at a time to insure that you are actually receiving the results you are paying for.

These tips should help you to have a better and more fulfilling experience with the psychic or healer you do choose to go to. Hopefully it will help you cut down on your expenditure, and get a service that is worth the money you spend on it!

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