Thursday, May 29, 2014

Colors for Recuperation!

Orange and green are wonderful colors to combine for recuperation. Orange helps invigorate and rejuvenate, while green helps to heal and soothe. This is why I've chosen these colors for my website. Check it out and see what you think! ~Erin Heaven 

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A long way to go~

It can seem that you have such a long way to go to meet your goals, but remember, the journey always starts with the first step. 

~Erin Heaven 

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Seeing the Light~

When you can see the light in a person, more than you can see their appearance, you've finally mastered the ability to truly See. ~Erin Heaven

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Like us at 
The old site with Forum

Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Feeling Alone?

When you feel completely alone in your life, take a look around you. The Sun, too, is forever alone, but it shines it's beautiful light for the benefit of all. ~Erin Heaven

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Various Thoughts: Paradise?

What would your perfect paradise look like? What kind of life would you have there? ~Erin Heaven

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Erin Heaven ~ Guaranteed Healing ~ Clairvoayant Energy Healing, Chakra Clearing, Communication with the Other Side

Erin Heaven is a Clairvoyant Healer assisting people around the world to reclaim their lives and live it more fully. Having pronounced psychic abilities from the age of 2, she has over 34 years experience using her psychic abilities to help others.

Using clairvoyant abilities to see the blocks in your chakras and
energy field right over the phone, Erin Heaven helps you to release
them and free yourself from the burdens that are blocking your life. She is so confident in her ability to help you, as she's done with hundreds of people from around the world, that she offers a Money Back Guarantee!

Experience a true clairvoyant healer that is guaranteed!

Read Erin's site, participate in her forum, and contact her through with over 280 worldwide client testimonials. 

If that does not work or if you are using a
mobile unit-

Like us to join the conversation, see new offers, including dream
analysis, and also ask about a free 20 minute reading at

Learn to do what Erin does! Her classes are available at

Guidelines to Maintain Energy Healing

Erin Heaven is a Clairvoyant Healer assisting people around the world
to reclaim their lives and live it more fully. Having pronounced
psychic abilities from the age of 2, she has over 34 years experience
using her psychic abilities to help others.

Using clairvoyant abilities to see the blocks in your chakras and
energy field right over the phone, Erin Heaven helps you to release
them and free yourself from the burdens that are blocking your life.
She is so confident in her ability to help you, as she's done with
hundreds of people from around the world, that she offers a Money Back

Experience a true clairvoyant healer that is guaranteed!

Read her site, participate in her forum, and contact her through

If that does not work or if you are using a
mobile unit- [URL][/URL]

Like us to join the conversation, see new offers, including dream
analysis, and also ask about a free 20 minute reading at

What makes one person's healing session so amazing, while another
person seems to get little results with the same healer? How is it
that some people can claim to experience miracles in their lives,
while other people seem to be stuck with their problems? The answer is
the client's approach to the session, and in their willingness to look
at their problems honestly. Even though it can be very uncomfortable,
when we are willing to hear how our thoughts, behaviors, and attitudes
are shaping our lives, and are willing to step into better energy, we
become empowered to make the changes necessary to move forward on 

our journey. When people approach a healing session in an open, 
honest,excited manner, ready to face these issues, they are more likely 
toreceive information that will empower them to release their issues
and move forward. People who are not ready to face their issues and
change their behavior will often sabotage a session. They will feel
like they are being attacked, instead of being open to receive the
information they need to hear. They will often decide that the fault
is with the practitioner and point the blame at them, instead of
focusing on their progress and moving through their issues. This
closes down the door to healing.

The attitude you approach a healing with is just as important as the
attitude you leave a healing with. Just as willingness to face your
issues is integral to your success during a healing, gratitude and
appreciation are integral in maintaining your benefits and continuing
to increase them after a healing session. Gratitude and appreciation
are amazing energies that tell the Universe that you have had a
wonderful healing. You are acknowledging to Source and to the world
that you are healed. This works with the Law of Attraction to continue
bringing about the healing benefits. If you can hold appreciation and
gratitude for God/Source/Universe for bringing you to the healer, for
the healer for the help they have given, and for yourself for your
willingness to face uncomfortable things and move through them, you
will continue the healing far after the session! If you take it a step
further and write reviews about your experience and share it with as
many people as you can, you are passing your blessing along, as well
affirming, yet again, that you have had an amazing healing. My clients
who write reviews tend to be dwelling in the aforementioned energy and
often have the most impressive results.

There are other things you can do to increase your results. Here are
the 5 easy tips to help you receive the maximum benefit from any
healing you receive:

1* Hold the energy of appreciation and gratitude as much as possible.
Share your blessing with others by writing reviews and telling your
family and friends what you have received. Keep affirming that you
have had a healing and allow the healing to keep growing!

2* Keep a record of the amazing benefits you receive. My clients who
write reviews after a session always hold onto their benefits longer
and experience ever-increasing results. This is because they have told
the world, (and the Universe) that they have received a healing. It
cements this into our reality. They can also refer back to what they
have written to remind themselves that things have gotten better, and
they have seen improvement, if they start feeling down about something
later on.

3* Stay committed to a reasonable amount of sessions. It's important in
my work that people have all three layers cleared. The clients who
stay committed to all three stay clear and retain their benefits. But
the ones that only have one or two rarely do. Find a healing modality
that doesn't require many sessions and stay committed to the few you

should have!

4* Be Willing to step into new energy and allow your Beliefs about your
issues to Shift into new energy. Understand you don't have all the
answers and you don't really know everything there is to know about
your problems. The more humility you can show, and the more open to
hearing what the healer says, the more you will be willing to release
your problematic thinking and allow the issues you've created to

5* Make sure you are willing to release your identification with your
issues. Some times we've carried our problems for so long, they begin
to define us. Some people are unwilling to be freed from the drama and
attention they are receiving in their life. Make sure you are before
you waste your money!

These 5 easy tips can help insure you have the best possible results
from your healing sessions, and your life in general. While we can't
always hold to this energy, we can do our best to keep focused on
positive energy and keep things moving in the right direction

Monday, May 12, 2014

Five Easy Tips to Tell a Genuine Clairvoyant from a Fraud

As a Clairvoyant Energetic Healer, I think it's really important to
talk about ways to make sure you are dealing with a genuine
clairvoyant and not a fraud. There are many people in this field that
are genuinely gifted. There are also people who are not. In my
practice I hear astonishing stories of people my clients have seen
before me that have taken thousands of dollars from them, and kept
them in fear instead of empowering them to become independent. I've
heard of psychics claiming to be the next coming of Christ, to people
who were told they are Ascended Masters and are too high up to be read
by a psychic! I've heard of psychics that feed people's Egos to keep
them coming back for more; and of practitioners who seem to need
everything from your birth name to Social Security Number to be able
to read you! Here are a few tips that can help make sure you are
dealing with a genuine and not a fake:

Find someone who has a Money Back Guarantee of some kind. 
This is most important because frauds will not be able to prove their gift 
and they wont back up their ability with a guarantee! They will rely on 
your gullibility or desperation and will only give you vague information
that can't be verified, like talking exclusively about your past
lives, or telling you what your future holds. Without the ability to
get your money back if you are stuck if they can't give you
information. Make sure that they have accurate information that can
help you, or you are just throwing your money away on a chance that
someone is what they claim. Why risk it? Find someone that guarantees
that they can give you information you can verify about your life.

Find someone with many genuine testimonials from all over the 
world to insure that they are properly trained to connect and work with 
you in Spirit. Many psychics will claim to be experts, but they don't have
any genuine testimonials to back up their gift! A truly gifted person
will have a lot of testimonials from very happy clients who were able
to verify this person was genuine. Don't take a chance on someone that
can't substantiate their gift just because of the hype of their

Find someone who encourages your independence from them and 
works to empower you to make your own choices without becoming 
dependent on them to tell you the 'future' or make your decisions for you! 
(This will prevent you from being used as "cash flow" by unscrupulous
people!) A good clairvoyant will tell you what is blocking you, will
be able to offer suggestions on how you can move forward in your life
and address your issues so you can take control of your life. A better
clairvoyant is someone that has taken their gift to the next level and
can actually help you clear your issues with energetic healing
techniques. Finding a clairvoyant energetic healer that works in Free
Will can take a simple reading to a full-blown healing that will Shift
your life, instead of just telling you all your problems. This is the
best way to go to move forward from your issues.

Find someone that doesn't need your full name, birth date, birth city,
and so forth. Frauds use this information to look up public records
and do searches to get information to trick you into thinking they are
genuine. All a true clairvoyant needs to read you is a connection to
your voice. Your first name can help to connect to the energy, but
it's not necessary. You shouldn't have to send pictures, or give
personal details. If someone appears to need more than just a basic
idea of what you are wanting to be looked at, you are dealing with a
fraud. A true clairvoyant will tell you not to give them information
because they will want to get the information for themselves. They
wont fish for details and will want nothing from you other than the
confirmation that what they are getting is correct.

Find a clairvoyant who has prices clearly posted and isn't charging by
the minute. When you pay for a particular time, a true clairvoyant
will give you all the information they are able to in that time. A
fraud who charges you by the minute will often do their best to get
you talking about your life and your issues and they will try to keep
the minutes rolling. Having a clearly-defined perimeter for your
session can help make sure you aren't getting taken advantage of.
That's not to say that your session may not run over or you may not
need more time, but that you wont lose track of time and end up owing
a lot more than you would have otherwise.

I hope these tips are useful in helping you find a genuine clairvoyant
to work with and will help you avoid the horror stories that so many
unfortunate people have had with unscrupulous people out to "make a
buck". There are genuinely gifted people out there who truly want to
use their gift to impart blessings on others. Finding them is much

easier when adhering to these five easy tips.

Greys: Negative Entities, Not Aliens

There are many misconceptions about the beings people mistake for aliens- the Greys. No one really seems to know who these beings are and from where they come. There is even more confusion about what they are here to do. A lot of people take them to be beings from another world, flying around in spaceships, here to aid mankind on its journey. Many first-hand accounts tell of being paralyzed by extreme panic and terror, unable to move as these beings begin 'experimenting' on, and 'implanting'  people. Some people have been lead to believe that these beings are here for our benefit, but in my experience, this just isn't true. As a Clairvoyant Energetic Healer, I know that they are not aliens and they are not here for our benefit. These beings are extremely harmful and very malevolent. They are not here from another world and they are not here as our friends. That is hype perpetrated by people who have never experienced them or are unable to look at the situation clairvoyantly.  In my practice I have experienced an encounter with one of these entities and have dealt with the implants they put in people. I can tell you what I've learned from my experience healing people who have suffered from the manipulation of these malevolent beings. I am certain they are not beings from another planet at all. They are interdimensional beings from a much lower vibration than ours. They are from such a low-vibrational plane that they are on-par with what religions have termed 'demons'. They connect with us on the etheric/astral level, where much of a typical 'Abduction' experience takes place. They put etheric implants in people and these are often seen by clairvoyants as 'crystalline' in nature and may be seen in the physical as well. Once implanted in a person they disrupt the natural flow of energy. They tap into a person's chakras, aura, and emotional body, often causing severe panic attacks, anxiety, and other overwhelming emotions, in order to be drained of this energy. These 'Disruptors' scatter the thoughts of people, some times producing schizophrenic-like symptoms. They can confuse the mind to the point of compelling people to do things they otherwise wouldn't do. The more they can influence misery, fear, and other lower emotions, the more these entities are able to drain them.

Most low-vibration entities are barely sentient. They live in perpetual state of misery and feed off of the misery of others like parasites. Many other entities attach to a person to suppress their psychic and healing abilities, and keep them from becoming empowered to help others, as well as feed off them. Then there are entities like these 'Greys' that are extremely sentient and fantastically hostile and malevolent. They are part of a Dark Agenda that goes past my comprehension, but that has existed before the Dawn of Time. They only seem to attack a small number of people directly. These people usually have extraordinary gifts to aid humanity. They are often natural healers, psychics, spiritual teachers, leaders, and anyone primed to reach many people with their Truth. These people become implanted and often experience being 'removed' or 'disassociated' from themselves. They don't connect to their emotions properly. They either experience no emotions at all, or they experience extraordinarily strong emotions to the point they may feel insane. These emotions, when felt, are never 'positive' emotions. These people seem to be separated from all the life-affirming emotions. The only things they feel are dread, terror, horror, anxiety, sadness, regret, and rage. They are people often triggered to uncharacteristic acts of violence or harm towards others. They feel compelled to do things and then later regret them deeply. This is a form of possession that is more like a puppeteer pulling on a string. 

People often claim to see UFOs when these beings are sighted or people claim to be abducted. I don't believe these ships are designed to carry these beings across the stars. I believe they are vehicles that allow them to move from their own vibrational reality to ours. Their bodies are often described as emaciated and weak, and this is likely because they are coming from their own vibrational dimension to ours. Their agenda in building these devices is to find a way to leave their own vibrational reality, which is very like religious concepts of Hell, and come into ours. They haven't found a way to do this successfully. They are incapable of being in this reality for long periods of time. Our vibrations are incompatible.

They hold humanity in nothing but contempt and pure, unadulterated hatred. They despise us for our Free Will and the chance to raise our vibration even higher. This is something that has been denied them, rather like the story of the Fallen Angels in Heaven. These beings would like nothing better than to destroy humanity and take our place on Earth. However, we are protected by the fact that we have bodies on this plane and they technically do not. Their bodies don't resonate with this reality, therefore we have dominance here. Clairvoyants like myself understand that as beings of Free Will, we have dominance over lower vibration entities. I know that I can command an entity to leave, and if it does not, I'm gifted with knowing how to erase it, (and I teach this in my Online Distance Learning classes to pass along this sacred knowledge!). Their implants can be erased by clairvoyants who can see them and who know what to do to get rid of them! They can be erased themselves and will flee when shown you can erase them. The first time I understood the truth about what these 'Greys' are, I was working with a client to clear their chakras. They came to me feeling that there was something in their chakras that was disrupting their energy. I found strange, crystalline structures in their chakras that almost seemed to be alive. I was able to erase these structures, like erasing a negative entity. In the first session, the person experienced much relief. Then I was contacted by this frantic client to be told that they seemed to be back! In another session I saw that they had indeed come back. I erased them again and I suddenly clairvoyantly witnessed a Grey coming into her space on the etheric level and put its hand on her shoulder. She instantly told me she was having a terrible pain that suddenly appeared in that shoulder! I showed this thing that I have the ability to erase low-vibration entities and commanded that it leave. It sent me an overpowering level of hostility and hatred and immediately left. This is something that wouldn't happen if it was an alien and not a being subject to the Will of those with bodies on this plane. After I erased the 'Disruptors' in her chakras this time, they didn't come back.

In another session I saw a "crystal shard" in a client's Throat Chakra. They were being prevented from speaking clearly and hadn't been able to sing in years. After removing this device, they regained their ability to sing. They found they could begin communicating clearly, confronting bad behavior, sharing their thoughts and feelings with others, and generally being more a part of life. These were all things they had been blocked from doing before. This is a typical block put into people by the Dark Agenda when they have the ability to help others. If they can be kept silent, they will not be empowered to help others heal.

In my most recent session I worked with a musical artist and producer who has been blocked in his creativity. His project wasn't being well-received and he was having a lot of frustration with things. I found a crystal shard in the middle of the glowing yellow of his aura. Yellow is the color of creativity, inspiration, and psychic ability. He was able to recall exactly when this was put into him by how removed from his creativity and emotions he became. 

Fortunately, in the several hundred to over a thousand people I've seen in my private practice, I've only ever encountered these implants about 3-4 times. So it's very unlikely you have this issue. But if you are experiencing these symptoms and tend to have a dread fear of Greys, and if you ever wake up paralyzed in fear, it's a possibility you might want to examine further.