Thursday, September 18, 2014

A creepy session...

I once had a really creepy session 
with a lady who has pretty 
pronounced trance medium ability. 
This is a rather negative ability that 
lets a person channel entities without 
even knowing they are doing it. She 
had so many entities but she had one 
that was such a physical presence I 
could see it in my mind. It was like 
a pair of green Halloween eyes. She 
even had one that she could always 
see when she shut her eyes! I erased 
that and it went away.

What was exciting about this session 
was that she has had the feeling of 
things crawling on her body for years 
and just from clearing 3 of her chakras 
she already felt a huge difference. She 
said she didn't even feel the crawling 
sensation. This is a reminder about how 
trance mediums pull entities in and it 
can disrupt their own energy to a very 
large degree. ~Erin Heaven

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