Monday, September 22, 2014

Open Psychic Abilities....

When your psychic abilities begin 
to open up, you can experience 
strange and terrifying things. You 
may feel emotions that make no 
sense and not realize they aren't 
coming from you. You may feel 
'people' around you that aren't there, 
or even hear them. You may get 
urges to go somewhere or feel 
guided to something, and not 
understand why. You may even 
come under psychic attack from 
entities. People with uncontrolled 
psychic abilities often experience 
mood swings, are high-strung, have 
terrible tempers, and can seem 
bi-polar or schizophrenic. 

Getting these gifts under control, 
learning how to turn them off 
when not in use, and understanding 
how to comprehend and filter the 
information you are getting are all 
essential tools in bringing your life 
back into balance. 

For anyone who feels they might be 
having these issues, please check out 
my Online Distance Learning Modules 
through my website:

Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, 
Chakra Clearing
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Learn how to do what Erin does! 
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