Sunday, July 27, 2014

Obsessed with Problems? Focus on Other People for a New Perspective!

Feeling caught up in your own particular issues? Try letting go of them and focusing on other people's dilemmas for a change. You will be surprised how often your perceptions of your situation can change when you let go of them and realize you are not alone! Many people are going through similar things- or even worse!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Define yourself by Being, not getting on Kicks...

It's interesting to see the trips that people are on. Some people are on the health kick, some people are on the spiritual kick, and some are on the political kick. 

It's funny when you see how much people need to define themselves by their beliefs and interests. Wouldn't it be easier to just Be?

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Journal Entry for 12/22/2012 when the Great Apocalyptic Event failed to appear, so far...

What do you mean, 'Resolutions'? We were all expecting the world to end! Maybe now we can just be content with living!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

The challenge of developing wisdom...

How can our youth develop wisdom if we are intent on protecting them from all the choices, mistakes, and experiences that teach it?

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 


Thought of the day: You can have responsibilities and be responsible without feeling you have to be responsible for everything.

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Animals are the best healers...

Animals really are the best healers. It would be wonderful if we could develop a society where they are treated better and welcome more places. They can truly help us heal!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The problem with judging...

The problem when you judge people is that your belief about them filters out anything that doesn't coincide with what you believe. It's very hard to see people as they really are because anything to the contrary is either explained away or ignored. Judgment becomes very limiting.

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Start your list....

Today is a really good day to sit down and make lists of all the things you need to get out of the way so you can move forward in life! "Out with the old, in with the new" is the motto for today! Start clearing away the clutter and see your new life unfolding!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

It's easy to judge, but...

It's easy to judge what we see but it's not often we really understand what we are seeing.

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

"Me First"- the Need for Self-Care...

"Me First" should be the motto of every healer, in any field. You cannot give to others, what you haven't got for yourself. It is very important to approach a healing in a space of fullness. If you are lacking in yourself, you will have little to give. So take care of yourself first and come from a space of wholeness

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Don't Look for Perfect Teachers...

You don't necessarily need to find teachers who seem to have the things you don't have, or the qualities you want in yourself. Some times people who don't have what you are looking for can be the best teachers.

You may just find that you had it all along!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Losing Track Does Not Mean Disconnecting....

Don't be ashamed if you can't remember the date your loved ones died. It isn't denial or disconnection that makes you forget. It's quite simply the fact that they never left you!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Be Blessed While Sharing Blessings...

I had a wonderful experience with a client. It's always so awesome when the information you get for someone else also applies to yourself. It's even better when you realize that the journey you've taken in life was necessary to give you the information that someone who is having a similar journey needs to hear. It really puts into perspective what a blessing our lives are, and how even hurtful experiences can be blessed experiences when they help us to help others.

There really is no positive or negative. There is just Be-ing.

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Focus on Being, Not Becoming

People get too focused on needing to change, evolve, heal, or grow. This focuses the mind on what is lacking. By allowing yourself to simply Be instead, you allow yourself to Shift naturally and can more easily "go with the flow" of Spirit. When you let go of the thinking that is holding you in lack, you will find that the door to abundance open for you!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Learning from Everything!

If we isolate people with different ideas, how can they ever learn that there are other perspectives and thereby challenge their own? It is nice for us to stay with higher energy vibrations, and enjoy the tranquility and peace. But some times you have to come down to the lower and be among people who need to hear what you have to say. There is something to be learned from everything!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

I'd Rather Be The Fool Whose...

Honestly, I would rather be the fool whose magikal thinking makes miracles happen in her life than the skeptic who always proves herself right by not believing or having anything work for her!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Don't Wait for Soul Mates

A lot of people tell me they are waiting for their soul mate or twin flame. I don't believe in these concepts. We are here to learn, grow, and clear our karma, not to spend our lives looking for the person we are 'meant' to be with. The truth is, we are all One. There is no twin soul. We are all the same soul having a different experience. This concept only confuses people and makes others miss amazing opportunities!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Advice Addiction can be Avoidance...

There are a lot of people that become 'addicted' to going to psychics for advice and to be told what to do. This can become a problem as people begin to be afraid to live their own lives, make their own decisions and make their own mistakes. If you are someone who is always looking for a new psychic or healer, ask yourself what you are avoiding in your life and tackle it. Stop living in fear and start living!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

You are NOT Weak....

People battling with depression, addictions, anxiety, and the everyday stress of life; often feel they are weak. This is just not true. In doing several hundred clairvoyant chakra clearings I've found that these people are the ones with the most entity influence and attachments, blocks and energetic congestion, keeping them from experiencing a normal life. You are fighting much more than you are even aware of!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 worldwide client testimonials!
Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at