Tuesday, May 11, 2010

5 Easy Tips for Finding a Genuine Psychic or Healer!

5 Easy Tips for Finding a Genuine Psychic or Healer!

Are you one of the countless people that have wasted hundreds of dollars trying to find a practioner that was genuine and could help you with your problems? Have you gone from psychic to psychic without finding any real help? Good news! You can identify genuine psychics and healers quickly and effortlessly, before you pay a penny!

Tip #1: Always follow your instincts and have faith that you are being led where you need to go . Your intuition is a powerful friend that can guide you effectively. When you look at a person's website, how does it feel to you? Do you get a positive "vibe" or do you have reservations? Do you feel energized and excited about working with this person, or do you need to talk yourself into it?

Tip #2: Find a practioner with many testimonials . Make sure they are from people all over the country. This assures that they have the ability to access information and perform healing, right over the phone! Some clairvoyants are very accurate in person, but their ability waivers when assisting someone long-distance. Seeing that a practioner has testimonials from across the country goes a long way toward showing that they are properly trained to work in Spirit to effectively help anyone, anywhere.

Tip #3: Look for someone that offers a Money Back Guarantee . If a psychic is genuine, they will offer you a Money Back Guarantee because they believe in their gifts and know they have the ability to help you. In my practice, I offer a guarantee and will refund money if a person isn't satisfied in the first 5 minutes. Never continue a session with a psychic, (especially one that charges by the minute), who hasn't demonstrated their gift within the first 5 minutes.

Tip #4: Avoid practioners who need to ask you many questions, or who encourage you to talk about your life . This is not a counseling session! A true clairvoyant will be able to tell you what you need to know. If they seem to be fishing around and asking you a lot of questions, its a good sign they are not able to genuinely help you. Answer their questions as basically as you can and don't fill in the blanks!

Tip #5: Avoid hype ! Avoid the flashing banner ads and the websites that promise that all your problems will be solved. Avoid people who make outrageous claims that promise finding your soulmate, solving all your problems, and giving you perfect health. If their website seems like its designed to sell you on a product, this is a good indication that their service doesn't sell itself! Not only are most of these obvious fakes, but you may be dealing with people who are working in the Ego, feeding off your need, and they might be selling themselves as an authority you should listen to and follow. This can be a very dangerous situation. You want to find someone who is an equal and can give you advice while honoring your right to choose for yourself.

Following these 5 simple tips will greatly assist you in finding the practioner who is right for you. A good fit will insure an amazing session and it will be money well spent!

Hypothyroidism and Chakra Imbalance

Hypothyroidism and Chakra Imbalance

Do you have symptoms of a low or underactive thyroid? Are you looking to find a root cause, and not just symptom-management? I practice a form of clairvoyant, energetic healing and I may have the answer!

In my work, I clairvoyantly "see" the chakras of my clients and all the events, emotions and energy stored there. I can see that someone is worrying about their mother, had an alcoholic father, or even the details of a recent break-up; just by scanning the chakras. I have seen many clients since I opened my practice who suffer from symptoms of hypothyroidism and one thing they all have in common is a closed throat chakra that is heavily congested with unexpressed energy.

Do you have trouble expressing yourself? Do you avoid confrontation and arguments? Do you feel like you are never heard? Have people accused you of being shy? These are all things that many of my clients with hypothyroidism share. When we close down and shut off our voices, we are silencing the expression of our Being. This has a dramatic effect on our health.

Our throat chakra is like a valve that lets out energy and emotions in a healthy manner. When we speak about our hurts, confront someone who upset us, or share our thoughts and ideas with others, we allow energy to leave our chakras. But when we hold these things inside, the energy becomes congested and can start deteriorating our health.

In my practice I work with people to identify this energy and release it, allowing the chakra to regain its normal functioning. I have seen this work miracles. One of my clients had three large nodules on her thyroid for over 30 years and hadn't been able to speak loudly or sing. After one session, she said she couldn't feel the nodules and later had it confirmed by a medical exam that they were no longer there! She recovered her energy, her voice, and began singing again! This was an extreme example of what is possible when the chakras and energetic Being are functioning correctly.

Aside from seeing a qualified practioner, there are things you can do to help yourself energetically. Most importantly, start speaking for yourself! Share your thoughts, feelings and ideas with others. Don't hold yourself back from meeting someone new, or confronting a wrong. Don't hold yourself back from life! Allow yourself to forgive past hurts and wrongs.
These small steps will go a long way toward helping you live a fuller, more energetically-clear life!

*Always consult your physician with medical questions/issues. By law I cannot claim to treat, diagnose or cure a disease.

OCD- You are Not Crazy, Your Chakra Is!

OCD- You are Not Crazy, Your Chakra Is!

Are there times when you feel able to manage all your tasks and get everything done, only to feel overwhelmed by everything a few weeks later? Do you have periods of excessive activity, followed by periods of lethargy? Millions of people share these symptoms and the drug companies make billions of dollars selling drugs with a long list of harmful side effects to treat these conditions. But what if OCD can be solved naturally and holistically instead of having to take drugs for relief?

As a practioner of clairvoyant energetic healing, I have seen a commonality among suffers of OCD, that, once corrected, seems to work wonders on the state of mind. The Solar Plexus chakra governs a person's willpower and sense of control. When a person experiences situations that require prolonged periods of willpower, such as dieting or breaking an addiction, or even after experiencing trauma or prolonged stress, they can drain the energy resources in the Solar Plexus. When the energy is depleted more rapidly than it can be replaced, the chakra will shut down. When this happens a person will experience a sudden decrease in willpower. This is why so many diets fail and why it can be so hard for some people to break an addiction!

When this situation is prolonged for any length of time, an inverse effect is seen where the chakra "flips" and suddenly becomes too open. This will cause the individual to become restless and anxious, often feeling there are a million things to be done. If the chakra remains in this state, it can cause a cycle of perpetual "flip-flopping" that closely resembles the symptoms of OCD!

In my practice I see many people who have these symptoms. Most come to me in a state of anxiety, tension and frustration. After clearing the energy in the chakras, especially the Solar Plexus, a person reports an instant feeling of calmness, serenity and clarity that they haven't felt in years.

If you are experiencing these symptoms there are a few things you can do yourself. The most important thing you can do is be as moderate as you can in your approach to your goals. Don't get involved in extreme dieting or life-style changes (unless recommended by your doctor for medical reasons). Be gentle and easy with yourself and you will help keep this chakra in balance. Avoiding stressful situations as much as possible is another good way to keep yourself from being drained.

There is hope for people suffering from these symptoms. You don't have to remain trapped in this cycle any longer!

*The above reflects my personal opinion as a spiritual healing practioner and is not intended to treat, diagnose or claim to cure a medical condition. Always seek the counsel of a qualified medical expert.

Anxiety is Not All in Your Mind- Its in Your Chakras!

Anxiety is Not All in Your Mind- Its in Your Chakras!

Do you experience feelings of anxiety and can't find a cause? Are you easily overwhelmed by simple tasks? Do you having trouble facing the world? You are not alone! Millions of people are experiencing this as well and there is hope that doesn't require taking drugs with harmful side effects!

In my practice as a clairvoyant energetic healer I commonly see people who come to me with symptoms of anxiety. Many people who have suffered from crippling fear, phobias and anxiety for years have achieved a sense of serenity from having their chakras cleared, energized and balanced.

Anxiety can have many causes, but I see some commonalities with most of my suffering clients. Many chakras may be contributing to the issue. The following are the signs and symptoms in each chakra:

*The Crown chakra that connects us to our Highest Self or Divine Source, will often be congested with old emotions and hurts. There is often a lack of connection to the Divine that can be easily fixed within seconds. This helps to build a sense of trust and feeling protected.

*The Brow/Third Eye chakra can be heavily congested in people who worry too much. It can also contribute to anxiety in people who are sensitive or psychic and don't realize it.

*The Throat chakra can house much congestion and fear in people who don't feel safe or comfortable expressing themselves and their opinions. This leaves a person feeling isolated and cut off from the rest of the world.

*The Heart chakra can be heavily congested with old pain and can be too closed or too open. When the chakra is too closed, energy backs up and leaves one disconnected from their feelings. When it is too open, an obsessive worry for other people can occur, causing a person to put other's needs above their own.

*The Solar Plexus can be too open or too closed. When its too closed, a person will feel overwhelmed by everything. They will be fearful and feel helpless in many situations. When it is too open a person can drive themselves crazy by feeling they have to keep moving and get stuff done.

*The Sacral chakra can be filled with all the guilt, anger, remorse, pain, and fear we have felt. People tend to store a lot of old emotions and traumas here and clearing this chakra usually brings a lot of relief to sufferers.

*The Root chakra is our survival chakra. It holds our fears about finances, housing, career, and even possessions. When this chakra is congested with fears and worries, we can experience overwhelming anxiety and that feeling that we are in danger.

By working with a qualified clairvoyant energetic practioner to balance, and clear your chakras from all that you are storing there, you can achieve amazing and long-lasting results that can put you back in control of your own life!

*Energetic healing is not a substitution for qualified medical help. By law I cannot claim to treat, diagnose or cure any illness.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Chakras and the Law of Attraction

Chakras and the Law of Attraction

Have you been experiencing depression, fatigue, anxiety and pain and can't find a cause? Are your relationships and finances suffering and you can't find a way to pull yourself out of your rut? Have you tried everything under the sun without any improvement in your situation?

What if I told you that your problems aren't a result of the economy or the state of the world? What if I told you that your physical symptoms are a sign of something else entirely? Would you believe me if I told you that all your problems might have started in your energetic field and can easily be corrected?

The chakras, or energy centers of the body, act like mini-projectors, displaying to the Universe, the blueprint of our lives. When a chakra is imbalanced or congested with past memories of events and traumas, it no longer functions as it is meant to. For instance, if we grew up in a household where both parents worked and never had time for us, and there was never any money available for the things we wanted, we might store that memory in our Root Chakra and from then on, project the same story throughout our lives. We might find ourselves growing up and never getting a good job, getting that promotion or raise, and having to work hard just to make ends meet all our lives. Clearing this pattern or belief out of the chakra can pave the way for new information to take its place.

In my healing practice I regularly see clients who come to me complaining of pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression and a malfunctioning life. After clairvoyantly "seeing" the events in their chakras and clearing them, the body and aura of old emotions and memories, they instantly feel a lessening of pain and tension. Their headaches and backaches go away within minutes and they report amazing changes in their lives. They are suddenly able to buy the house they wanted, leave their abusive husband, get promoted at work or find a better relationship! This phenomenon is available to anyone who is willing to step out of old energy, forgive past wrongs and step into a new life!


Low-Vibration Entities: How to Recognize Influence and Possession and How to Protect Yourself

Low-Vibration Entities: How to Recognize Influence and Possession and How to Protect Yourself

Most of us have experienced the influence of low-vibration entities, some, without even knowing it. Have you been the victim of influence from unseen beings? The influence of these beings can be identified if you know what you are looking for.

Have you ever experienced this scenario? You had a wonderful day where you felt especially attractive and everything seemed to be going right for you. You may have experienced a feeling of happiness, well-being or even euphoria. But a nagging little voice at the back of your head persistently told you that you looked fat that day, that you looked ridiculous in your outfit and no one cared about you. The nagging voice kept whispering poison that you believed was coming from you, and therefore, had validity. Before you knew what happened, your wonderful day turned into one of the worst days you've had and you drug yourself home feeling miserable!

This is a good example of how low-vibration entities turn positive, happy, and loving emotions into ones they can feed off of; hatred, greed, lust, anger, shame. The lower energies feed these beings and drain us of joy.

Have you ever found yourself pushing away the people you most love? Have you ever found yourself hurting the ones that love you the most and you can't understand why? This is a good example of how these entities influence us to isolate ourselves from sources of love and fall further into pain and misery.

Have you experienced an alcoholic or drug addict who seems constantly driven to using substances and then seems to become someone else? Entities encourage us to use these substances because they lower our energetic fields while increasing the vibration of the Crown Chakra. This allows them access to our bodies. Once they have an in, we may feel like we are on autopilot while we become violent, abusive or otherwise different from our normal selves. People who have experienced this form of possession may feel as though their minds were asleep, a veil was lowered over their minds or they were otherwise unable to think clearly. They were not thinking about right and wrong and the consequences they would face later. They were not connecting to the fact that the way they were behaving was not in keeping with who they are. They simply act.

How do you know these people were acting under influence and not from a corrupt nature? The answer is simple; because afterward they experience overwhelming feelings of guilt, shame, confusion and bewilderment. A corrupt person wouldn't regret their actions, they would never question them. But a person who underwent extreme influence would regret their actions and feel remorse, even while feeling powerless to stop it from happening again.

There are things you can do to protect yourself from the influence of entities. First of all, do not use substances that alter your perception. If you are addicted, find a treatment facility in your area and get the help you need! Understand that the impulse to use is being dictated by beings who do not have your best interest at heart. Second, be aware of your thought processes and start noticing the nagging voice that manipulates you into feeling unhappy. The more aware of it you become, the less you will own those thoughts as your own. You can simply laugh them off and take back your power! Third, use psychic and spiritual protection! Pray, use crystals, stay grounded and in Present Time, learn how to clear the energy in your space or find a healer who can assist you in breaking the connection you have with these entities. Above all, realize that you have seniority over beings that cannot manifest a body on the Earth Plane and don't be afraid. Don't allow yourself to be intimidated or feel powerless! This is a lie to keep you under influence. Laugh at them, ignore them and realize you are a Divine Being who is in control of your own life!


What Is Haunting Your House?

What Is Haunting Your House?

Are you experiencing strange phenomena like opening doors, cold spots and knocks at night? Does your room have an oppressive atmosphere and do you sense an "evil" presence at times? You are not alone! Many people have shared these experiences with you and have had these problems go away after working with a trained practioner. You can determine yourself if your imagination is running wild, or if you have a genuine spiritual phenomenon at work.

The most important question to be answered is, "Is your house haunted?" If you are experiencing the above phenomena, the answer is likely, "yes". But what can you do about it? What exactly is haunting your house? This isn't an easy question to answer for yourself. A trained, clairvoyant practioner is the best person to answer this question definitively, but you can narrow down the possibilities yourself.

In my work I communicate with the Other Side on a daily basis. Most of the people I've encountered are at peace. There is rarely a feeling of hostility, anger, lust, or regret. Many times the Spirits of people who have crossed do linger in a place they were familiar with. If you have a human entity who has Crossed Over in your house, you will likely experience air movement, odd odors, things moving by themselves, and may even see an image of the person who is there. Most people who experience human entities feel a bit unnerved by what they experience, but they don't feel a sense of foreboding or "evil". It is relatively easy to get these beings to move on, as it is never their intention to harm or terrify anyone.

On the other hand, people who are experiencing their children screaming or crying in the night, strange knocks that only happen when they are in the room, but disappear when they bring someone else in, being afraid for no reason, feeling a malignant presence and even being attacked or harmed in their home, are likely experiencing low-vibration entities. These beings have an agenda to keep people in fear and will try to convince you that you are alone and helpless against their attacks. This is not true! These beings must obey the Law of Free Will, and, as such, can be made to leave.

While it is always best to work with a trained practioner, there are some things you can do. When the phenomena occurs, visualize a bubble around your house and out loud say, "I command all entities to get out of this space and wait outside the bubble." Because we were able to manifest a body in the physical plane, we have seniority over entities. We are given the ability to command them out of our space and believing this is the first step to reclaiming your life.

When you employ this technique and the knocking, tapping, scratching stops suddenly, its a good bet you are dealing with a spiritual phenomenon, and I recommend finding someone you feel guided to work with to move these beings out of your space!

Is Ringing In the Ears Really Just Clairaudience?- Definitive Proof!

Is Ringing In the Ears Really Just Clairaudience?- Definitive Proof!

Have you experienced the annoying phenomenon of ringing in the ears, or tinnitus? If so, you have been experiencing definite proof that you are sensitive to the energies around you and may even be gifted clairvoyantly!

We are all made up of energy and when other beings enter our energetic space it can effect our clairaudient (literally translated: clear hearing) ability. Beings on the Other Side have a higher energetic vibration, and when they come into close contact with us, it can make us feel lightheaded, dizzy or feel a static-like energy around us.

There is a way you can prove the truth of what I'm saying to yourself, that even a skeptic would be hard-put to deny. The next time you experience the ringing in your ears, simply say out loud, "I command all entities to get out of my space," and really believe you have the authority to do so. You will instantly experience a lessening and discontinuation of the ringing. This works for people who have been diagnosed with tinnitus. I've had several clients who reported that after doing this the almost constant ringing in their ears went away, and nothing had worked for them before!

Once you have proven to yourself that the ringing isn't a physical symptom that no one can explain, but is in fact an energetic experience, you can begin to notice the energy around you when you experience the ringing. You can feel the change in the room, as though someone is standing next to you, and you can feel the energy moving off when you command it to leave. The more aware you become of this energy, the more sensitive you will become.

This is a first step in developing your psychic ability!
